Fiche cheval handsome bo bo

R6C9plathandicap 24865happy valley1200M319704seoul handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
17howdeepisyourloveH42p1p1p3p2pteetan k./1
210rock ya heartH63p3p3p(22)3pmo h.t./1encolure
311atomic forceH48p1p(22)9p0pbentley h./13/4 l
49easonH51p7p9p(22)9ppoon m.f./11/2 l
58harmony and richH70p2p0p7phewitson l./11/2 l
62computer patchH73p9p0p(22)0phamelin a./1encolure
76grateful heartH77p0p2p8pchadwick m./13/4 l
81rewarding togetherH74p5p3p2pbadel a./11/2 l
93handsome bo boH91p8p1p(22)7pbowman h./1encolure
1012family folksH70p0p5p6p8pde sousa s./11 l
114campioneH45p7p7p0pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
125astrologerH56p0p1p6p4pchau c.l./1nez

R2C9plathandicap 27431happy valley1000M319704wong nai chung handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
12handsome bo boH98p1p(22)7p4pbowman h./100:56
28harmony and richH70p7p(22)0p0pyeung m.l./1encolure
310rock ya heartH63p3p(22)3p2pho c.y./1encolure
41whizz kidH59p6p(22)4p1phewitson l./1tete
511we the southH70p(22)0p5p2pborges v./1encolure
67toronado phantomH54p1p(22)7p8pcurrie l./1tete
712special mH59p1p4p6ppoon m.f./13/4 l
89power koeppH56p3p5p(22)2pleung k.c./1tete
94carroll streetH61p(22)0p3p0pteetan k./13/4 l
103astrologerH51p6p4p(22)8pbadel a./1encolure
116keep you warmH60p8p(22)0p7phamelin a./1cte tete
125grateful heartH72p8p(22)9p5pchadwick m./13/4 l

R2C8plathandicap 28815happy valley1200M419612blue pool handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:15
112astrologerH56p4p(22)8p6pbadel a./101:09
210grateful heartH78p(22)9p5p3pchadwick m./12 l
35rewarding togetherH72p(22)1p1p0pde sousa s./1encolure
47ping hai galaxyH81p2p6p(22)1pteetan k./13/4 l
53nervous witnessH60p(22)5p2p3pbowman h./1tete
69family folksH78p(22)2p4p1phamelin a./11 l 1/4
74campioneH40p(22)2p2p0pchung y.l./1nez
86handsome bo boH91p(22)7p4p3ppoon m.f./11/2 l
91computer patchH70p(22)0p0p5pchau c.l./12 l 1/2
108keep you warmH68p(22)0p7p0phewitson l./12 l
1111harmony and richH77p(22)0p0p8pyeung m.l./13/4 l
122kurpanyH65p(22)0p0p9pchan k.h./13 l 1/2

R2C4plathandicap 30167happy valley1000M319704cannon handicap10 partantsdépart à 12:15
12handsome bo boH9(22)7p4p3p0pbowman h./100:56
25ping hai galaxyH86p(22)1p2p4pteetan k./1encolure
310power koeppH55p(22)2p6p1pde sousa s./1cte tete
47astrologerH5(22)8p6p6p1pleung k.c./11 l
58street screamH7(22)5p1p1p1pho c.y./1encolure
61whizz kidH5(22)4p1p4p1ppurton z./11 l
74harmony and richH7(22)0p0p8p8pchung y.l./1cte tete
83keep you warmH6(22)0p7p0p6phewitson l./1encolure
99classic unicornH8(22)9p0p0p7pwong h.n./11 l 1/4
106we the southH7(22)0p5p2p9pborges v./1encolure

R2C8plathandicap 31163sha tin (hong kong)1000M333212the lukfook jewellery cup (handicap)12 partantsdépart à 08:35
Non-partants : 6
18ping hai galaxyH72p4p3p1p0ppurton z./100:56
211power koeppH46p1p8p9p3pde sousa s./11/2 l
312equaletta blitzH69p5p6p5p1phamelin a./11/2 l
42whizz kidH41p4p1p1p2pchung y.l./13/4 l
51trillion winH66p4p4p3p5pbowman h./11 l 1/2
610jumbo fortuneH40p6p4p4p6pteetan k./11/2 l
73handsome bo boH84p3p0p2p3pcurrie l./13/4 l
89you'remyeverythingH58p7p8p1p1ppoon m.f./11/2 l
97classic unicornH70p0p7p7p1pwong h.n./17 l
104harmony and richH60p8p8p7p7phewitson l./11 l 1/2
115keep you warmH57p0p6p0p0pho c.y./14 l
6sunny boyH80p0p1p5p0pnon partant/1

R2C7plathandicap 32090happy valley1200M333212glasgow handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:20
13rewarding togetherH61p0p2p5p2pchadwick m./101:08
211ping hai galaxyH74p3p1p0p4pbentley h./11/2 l
310rock ya heartH52p5p9p2p5pho c.y./11 l 1/4
44handsome bo boH83p0p2p3p4pbowman h./1encolure
59street screamH61p1p1p5p3pchung y.l./11 l
612seizing the momentH69p2p0p9p7pborges v./11 l 1/2
72keep you warmH50p6p0p0p1pcurrie l./11 l 1/2
86astrologerH46p6p1p0p4phewitson l./13/4 l
95grateful heartH65p3p0p7p0pchau c.l./11/2 l
108navas twoH50p4p3p4p2pleung k.c./1nez
117classic unicornH70p7p7p1p8pl. ferraris/13/4 l
121harmony and richH68p8p7p7p0ph n wong/12 l 1/2

R2C7plathandicap 33289happy valley1000M333212po yan handicap10 partantsdépart à 13:45
15whizz kidH44p1p1p2p1ppurton z./100:55
26rock ya heartH55p9p2p5p4pho c.y./12 l 1/2
32handsome bo boH80p2p3p4p9pbentley h./1cte tete
47ping hai galaxyH73p1p0p4p1pbadel a./11 l
53we the southH62p9p8p7p6pborges v./13/4 l
68equaletta blitzH65p1p1p6p6phewitson l./1encolure
79run run coolH58p3p0p2p4ppoon m.f./11/2 l
81harmony and richH68p7p7p0pde sousa s./1tete
910seizing the momentH62p0p9p7p1phamelin a./11 l 1/4
104classic unicornH77p7p1p8p2pchadwick m./12 l

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